Reddit scum map
Reddit scum map

reddit scum map

This game allows PvE and PvP so you can choose your play style. Not the real premise, just some insight on this review. I was a server admin on some major servers and helped develop some hardcore PvE Survival Servers. There is a learning curve but I always am here to help noobs become pro. You will meet people across the world and be able to do almost anything you can think of. This is the most in-depth survival game on the market. (975 hours) The basic consensus is this game blows anything "similar" out of the water.

  • Medical items/Rags tooltips now show a level of dirtiness influencing the contamination/infection.įor people that lost their tattoos and private part size, you can set it correctly again by using #SetTattoo and #SetPrivatePartsSize commands.
  • Extended the range for remote door keys.
  • Vehicle parking custom zone setting is now "block" by default in outposts.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldnt place sensors on existing doors.
  • Fixed the bug where disabling player count based prices would disable trading completly.
  • Fixed the bug where you would not get a parachute on respawn in SP.
  • Fixed the bug where character tattoos sometimes disappeared.
  • Fixed the bug where custom zone settings did not map to the correct damage types.
  • Fixed the bug where keycards tooltip did not show expiration time and which killbox they activate.
  • Potential fix for trader available funds sometimes showing incorrectly.
  • Fixed the bug where you could not holster item on slot 1 when you already had an item holstered on slot 2.
  • Fixed the bug where custom zone settings menu showed double options.
  • Yeah I know that joke is bad just read the notes.
  • Started working on modular quad vehicle.
  • Creating animations for the new bolt action rifle.
  • Creating decals and materials for pipes.
  • Created the remote door control system.
  • Check out what the crew has been up to this past week, some things released and some still in the oven.
  • Working on Danny Trejo character polygons.Īnd we are back with the Development update.
  • Working on Danny Trejo facial animations.
  • Creating the UI concept for new features.
  • Working on the modular quad vehicle models.
  • Creating new female clothing variations.
  • Working on the nuclear power reactor building.
  • Refactoring the gold and respawn system.
  • Revisiting the crash while in vehicle system.
  • Tweaking the relog behavior when prisoner is dead.
  • Research the new scope mechanics for the VHS rifle.
  • reddit scum map

    Implementing voice line commands for Danny Trejo DLC.

    reddit scum map

    So as a treat we will list all that has been done this past 2 weeks so enjoy! If you are wondering why it was skipped we took a Monday for some RnR and had some BBQ. Well we skipped a week or so but we are back with the Dev updates.

    Reddit scum map