Unbeknown to the other, both Hill and Gibbons had grown the chest-length beards that quickly became a part of their "wildman" image. They reunited two and a half years later in order to start recording under that new Warner Brothers contract. Their long-time manager/producer/image maker Bill Ham used this time to negotiate a deal that allowed the band to keep control of their previous recordings, which would be distributed by their new label, Warner Brothers. The band continued touring, recording, and releasing albums until 1977, when they took an extended hiatus. It contained the classic song "La Grange", referencing the bordello that is the subject of the musical The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

They toured almost continually for several years, but first gained wide acclaim with their third album, Tres Hombres (1973). The men who would form ZZ Top had played in several different Texas-based groups (including the Moving Sidewalks, The Cellar Dwellers, The Hustlers, The Warlocks and American Blues) before joining forces in late 1969. They figured that "King" was at the "top" so thus settled on ZZ Top. King but sounded too similar to their blues legend hero. The real origin, as told by Billy Gibbons and also recorded in his new book (Rock + Roll Gearhead), is derived from the name of blues master B.B. Hill Z-shaped barn-door braces Gibbons once saw at a farm and/or Billy Gibbons seeing the two words running together on a dilapidated bill board. Some theories included: the two brands of rolling paper, Zig-Zag and Top a tribute to blues legend Z. The origin of the band's name was not officially known for many years. In 1984, the Gillette Company reportedly offered Gibbons and Hill US$1 million apiece to shave their beards for a television commercial, but they declined. Nearly as well-known as their music is the group's appearance: Gibbons and Hill are always pictured wearing sunglasses (a nod to their 1979 song "Cheap Sunglasses"), similar (if not matching) clothing, and their trademark chest-length beards, while Beard sports a mustache but not a beard. while Hill and Beard provide the ultimate rhythm section support." Their song lyrics often feature sexual innuendo and humor. Summarizing their music, Cub Koda wrote, "As genuine roots musicians, they have few peers Gibbons is one of America's finest blues guitarists working in the arena rock idiom. ZZ Top was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on March 15, 2004. They reached the peak of their commercial success in the 1970s and 1980s, scoring many hit songs during that era but they remain together today and are still touring and releasing albums. They hold the distinction of being one of the few rock bands still comprised of its original members for over 40 years, and until 2006, with the same manager/producer, Bill Ham. The band members are Billy Gibbons (vocals and guitar), Dusty Hill (bass guitar and vocals), and Frank Beard (drums).

ZZ Top is an American blues rock band, formed in 1969 in Houston, Texas.